Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Moving from Relation-ships... to Love-ships, Heart-ships, Joy-ships...

Ok, so again this morning, I was greeted with a message of another breakup, breakdown, split, in what had been up until recently a fairly ok relationship. Let's back up a minute...

It all started a few weeks ago when one of my clients wrote regarding the sudden end to her relationship, then another one wrote, and another and yet another. I felt strongly that I needed to write a bit about what is going on, but found myself in the midst of the shifting sands re-evaluating, re-negotiating, re-defining my own soul partnership. It has at times been messy, but we are still here. 

We are still in this thing together. What I will say though, is that from our perfectly arranged beginning of our being together, we have felt guided by a commitment bigger, higher, and somehow beyond our human individuated ego forms. We have been committed to JOY as a family. That commitment has been the guiding force and the litmus test for every seemingly minor decision as well as the BIG ones. "Is this taking us closer to joy, or away from it?" "Does this choice strengthen or weaken US as a whole?" "Are we growing or contracting as a result of this direction we are currently moving in?"

It has made for a LOT of discussion, as we are all still healing... my belief is if you are breathing you are still healing. But what exactly are we healing? Some days it feels like we are trying to heal the world through our particular dance with each other... Not saying that is what we are ATTEMPTING to do... it feels like that is the amount of pressure and responsibility we feel... and it can look really messy. But I am certain from a higher perspective it is a beautiful mess. But most days... most days like today, it feels like we are healing our own misunderstandings about who we are and why we are here. 

I feel in fact that this is a little microcosm of what is playing out on a much wider scale energetically. I have written about the Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine previously, and feel there is a massive shift that we have found ourselves in the midst of. 

We have been ruled and conditioned by the victim/bully/rescuer cycle. We have played out the fear/lack consciousness as far as it will go. The relationships that we have built over the last several hundred to a couple thousand years have been based on need. Need to be loved, need to be protected, need to be provided for, need, need... NEED. They have been based on the premise that who we are is not enough. Not good enough, not strong enough, not smart enough, not capable enough. We have been conditioned to believe that we must always be in search of someone or something outside of us to fulfill us, to save us, to make us happy, to keep us alive. We have been conditioned to believe that others exist in order to sustain our lives, our worth, our purpose, to make us valid in a world that has strict definitions of success, worth and value. 

However, in the last several years, 20-50... something dramatic has taken place.  People everywhere, regardless of sex, race, socio-economic status, or political affiliation... have awoken a sleeping giant within. People around the world are refusing to be ruled by conditionings or outdated beliefs that insult the soul. Everyone is awakening to the truth that there is something divine within themselves, and no one outside of themselves will honor it until they do. I can not honor in you what I refuse to see within myself. 

Relationships of all kinds have been based on the idea that one completes the other, or two halves of a whole... implying that one without the other is not enough, that their worth or value is somehow diminished as a result of being "without" another. Even in jobs, and wider family relationships where an individual is seen as some separate part of an imagined whole, and therefore must comply to the overall dictates of the "head" of the "whole". Everyone has their bit part to play. And without that person acquiescing to their assigned role, the whole thing falls apart... so we are bullied into rescuing everyone and everything. We cant see how this in fact feeds the implication that we and they are not enough on our/their own. Hence, we have created and perpetuated victims. 

There is a great shift taking place at this moment. A shift away from the victim/bully/rescuer cycle that was created as a means by which to fully explore the capacity to which we could experience ourselves separate from not only each other, but God (Source/Creator). There is no judgment in that. It is perfect. But WE are done with that game now. As a collective we wish to once again experience ourselves as WHOLE; both individually and collectively. We no longer wish to create imagined enemies, for we understand that in order to see another as an enemy we have to first experience that anger and hatred towards ourself. The energy is unpleasant and we realize it creates DIS-ease within ourselves and our highest preference is for peace and ease. 

What does any of this have to do with our love relationships at this time? Well in short everything. As the old masculine (not necessarily "male") paradigm of fear and control, lack and need, falls apart... we as a collective recognize that we dont want to go BACK to the days where everything was matriarchal either... we are seeking balance... we are seeking freedom... we are creating a space for wholeness... for expression as it is... we are pushing for a new way, a higher way, one that celebrates all that every being is; in whatever way he/she wish to be. We are seeking to live beyond boundaries, from our heart, from our joy, from the absolute highest expression of ourselves that we can possibly find. 

It isnt good enough to be of service any more, but we must be in celebration and FEEL celebrated... we must be in freedom and FEEL FREE... me must act in joy and FEEL joyful. Duty to and commitment to... just arent good enough reasons to remain in a situation any longer. Our souls seek to dance and expand. Our souls recognize the eternal nature of all things and that every situation is temporary... the question to ask is, if you knew everything was perfect and that there was nothing to lose by living your highest dreams what would you do now? 

At this moment ALL contracts, vows and bonds are being nullified, broken, resolved. SO many of us came into this lifetime for the sole/soul purpose of tying up loose ends from past lives... it is done. It is over. It is safe to let it go. 

I think so many are tired of being the people we have been.  And in order to step fully into our NEW BE-ing we have to let go of whatever no longer supports and celebrates that. And it hurts because some of these people, environments and beliefs have been so kind to us when we were needy. They gave us exactly what was required for us to get it all out of our systems. Often these people and situations were carry overs from previous lives and now it is cleared, we are free to let it all go. And all returns to the clean slate. A perfect state of allowing what is. Love. It is like the end of a play on stage... all the actors the baddies and the goodies come out at the end and all are viewed equally as having played their role perfectly. They take their bows and backstage they all are friends no heroes and villains no victims or bullies, just friends... and they all go back to their respective homes... happy and content with the great fun they had. 

And as we are open to interactions that reflect our bliss... love-ships, heart-ships, blissships are created.... By definition in order to have a "relationship" you need to RELATE... which implies seeing another as separate from yourself, who exists independently to you. In order for this  relating to occur.. there must by definition be conflict, difference, so as to find a place to meet at, to find a point of relating... 

 I realized the other day as other clients were talking of sudden breakdowns and breakups that this is rather a collective masculine (not necessarily "male") way of DO-ing... and it is no longer working for the world, and things are breaking down so that they can be made new. It is like there is an impending rebirth. In stepping into love from a place of freedom, celebration and joy... we have stepped into the darken room... and if feels as if our hearts have been broken open... and as we bare our chest in agony... we see that the broken heart has revealed our light within, and we see all around us all we have ever needed... and desired... just obscured in the darkness of our fears and conditioned minds... bliss is just beyond the broken. 

When it comes down to it... when we let it all go, we have space to let it all in... 


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