"Feminism" is a loaded word. It is bound to get a reaction. It is divisive and yet it seeks to unite. But what is it really about? Equality? Respect? Honor? "Anything you can do I can do better?" The meaning is relative to the person who is using it, I think that, at least, is something we can all agree on. Maybe?
So maybe it is time to look at creating a definition that works for ALL women. Maybe it is time to go back to the beginning, and revisit HIS-story. Maybe we only go forward in our divine paths, by seeing where we have come from.
I anticipate that this is going to be a series of blogs on my ideas about Divine Femininity. I am quite nervous about broaching the subject, as though it is something I am quite passionate about, I have a feeling it may bring up emotions. So finding the nearest place to duck! There is so much to be said and it is important for me to express that these are my personal understanding and may not resonate with many people and that is ok. There are many paths to Truth, and we must all create and discover our own.
The reason I have felt moved to write about this stems from a lot of the healings I have done recently. I have noticed two things... Firstly, over 90% of my clients are women, and secondly, the majority of those women are being guided to remember the path of the divine feminine... I will say that the men I have had the honor of working with are in TOTAL support and alignment with the re-establishment of the Divine Feminine. We will talk more about that later...
So when I am talking about the Divine Feminine, let me be clear about what I am NOT talking about. I am NOT talking about being equal in ALL ways to a man; in a man's world... quite frankly, I have never had the desire to relieve myself whilst standing, as convenient as it may be at times, not bothered. And let's be honest, what chance is there EVER of being absolutely "equal" in a patriarchal societal setup, (and the same could be said for a matriarchal set up... which is what has brought us to this point). Nor am I talking about women being tough or strong or bullying or domineering or bitchy or manipulative or controlling or weak or feeble or victims. NOR is the Divine Feminine defined by sex or sexual orientation. When I speak of the Divine Feminine (and from here on "women") I am referring to our heart/soul experience of the world.
A NEW WORLD... one in which BOTH the Feminine, and the Masculine are honored equally as they walk together supporting the other, no longer in competition with or fear of the other... seeing each as compliment and mirror to the other... in harmony and balance. The vessel of creation working with and supported by the flow of creative energy... in dynamic bliss.
What I am talking about and will explore further, is women stepping into and claiming emotional freedom. Physical freedom, personal freedom, being able to express themselves in the way that resonates with their soul. And this includes the masculinized feminine as well, if that is who one truly is. Now as nice as that sounds it requires an EXTREME departure from the norms established by and excepted by Western culture (women included)... this has now of course spread around the world and we can clearly see its negative effects.
Where there is lack of freedom, there is insecurity, there is neediness, there is dependency, there is lack there is victimhood. Where there is victimhood, there is the bully and the resucer. Now most will argue that women, thanks to the feminist movement, HAVE equal rights and are essentially able to have it ALL. And it is important to recognize that the Feminist movement is completely to thank, honor and recognize for getting us THIS far in a MAN's WORLD. But I think if we look at that closer we can see that this isnt necessarily the case that all things are equal. Sure there are women that are powerful business leaders, sports players, politicians, etc etc etc... but are they really free to be and embrace themselves. In my opinion, there is always a price to pay. Quite literally too. (but I digress).
Women that find themselves in positions that the world views as "equal" to the professional male, for example, have been conditioned to believe that there are only really one of two choices, to become like a man to survive, in the sense of being tough, thick skinned, controlling or well... what we generally associate with male success... taking no prisoners... OR using their feminine gifts or ways to get ahead. Now obviously there a million exceptions to the rule, but the lie that as women we have been fed is that women can have it all AND be genuinely happy AND have all those around her happy as well. Someone somewhere loses out when we try to be what we arent in a man's world.
It is in the papers and on the news every single day... "Children do better in when mother stays home." "Research shows that kids of working moms fare just as well", "Most families need two incomes to survive" "Families with single parent income have higher rates of behavioral issues", "Single mothers make better managers" and the list goes on and on and on... then there are the looks from other women, the mumsnet, the blogs, the advice sites... and it is disturbing that we as women have turned against each other out of fear and misunderstanding. We have forgotten that it takes a village to raise not only a child but healthy compassionate, forgiving and honest adults, that see the world through the eyes of everyone is doing his/her best. We have created and supported and fed a culture of competition, where the strongest survive and the weakest... sod off. But what if... what if our strength is not found in our power to hurt, but our power to heal.
Who would we be if we loved all? Who would our children be if they were taught to love honor and accept all, AND at the same time push and encourage each other to live within their own strengths and talents. I am not talking about this watered down version of mediocrity that has crept into the the institutions, but allowing our children and ourselves to really embrace their talents and support that!! We live in a different world than the post modern industrialist did when they created our current educaiton system. There are kids now that know more about programming, health inventions, philosophy, there are children that are interested in and passionate about things that traditionally adults have told them were fairy tales or hogwash... but now, they are compelled to make a difference. We should be following their lead. We should be finding a way to support their callings and passions as we strike out to support their own.
What I am suggesting is a radical departure from the last few thousand years of conditioning, but I feel the time is now. Not only are women tired of the way things have been, and all of the pressures to achieve... but the men are exhausted as well, it is hard to live each day at war, in conflict, constantly believing the world is in need of salvation, that there is constant threat at every turn. Wouldnt it be nice to BE at peace? Wouldnt it be nice to look to another and see your brother and know that all was well...
The return to the Divine Feminine takes far more courage than running a country or company. It requires taking a stand for peace, for love, for all children everywhere to be honored, loved and cherished, for seeing the world as ours not mine. The return to the Divine Feminine seeks to make peace first with ourselves and then all that is around us. We are in the world as peace makers. We are the ones that teach our children to love one another or fear the other.
As women we have been conditioned in recent centuries to suspect, resent, compete, belittle, bully or possess. And oft times it is our fellow sisters we turn against. We have had cause. When we are dependant on the man for our survival and that of our childrens we have no choice. But what if we gathered around each other in communion, cooperation and created support for and with one another... what if we looked at our sisters as companions for this journey. What if we returned to the paths of the ancient priestessses, but with new eyes, new understandings and love. Just how different could our world be if we showed up in all of our strength, our divine power? What if we dropped the need to be masculinized women, and just be what we always have been... What would the world look like if we stopped trying to be equal and insisted on being our true selves, honoring our true nature. And that is NOT in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant... or subject or possessed or submitted to men, but walking our paths beside them.. shining our OWN light, gathering our own armies of angels giving love and support to each other, reminding our sisters of their divine heritage and they dont need to manipulate, control or bully anyone to have what they want... and desire. There has always been more than enough to go around. When all children are loved, cherished and honored for the blessings they are...
There are so many implications in the idea of returning to the Divine Feminine. And we will visit those more in depth later.
But for now, what would the world, your world look like, if you were free to live from your heart? If you knew all was well and that there was nothing to fear, and you felt loved and supported in all that you did... how different would everything be?
And the Divine Masculine is not forgotten, for the only REAL way to honor a man's divinity is through honoring our own first. And to be clear, the divine Feminine is not limited to being Female. This is a process of redefining ALL labels that have been assigned in the last few thousand years. The Divine Feminine as well as the Divine Masculine breaks down ALL barriers and limitations.
In Lak'ech,
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