I thought it might be a good idea to explain how a reading or clearing works for me. I am aware that the process for all healers is as individual as the healer themselves. Some healers work with crystals, pendulums, reiki, angels, spiritual response... the list is endless and perfect for I feel there is a healer out there for everyone; and IN everyone.
The basic procedure for me is that after I receive a request for healing or a reading, I go into a protective meditative state. I call on the Archangels most aligned with the person's energy or rather those Archangels present themselves to me, or make their presence known.
Many people are aware of the better known Archangels in the Judeo-Christian tradition; Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Metatron. But there are more. Here is a link to some of the Archangels that are more commonly known to me in my work. Each person has a closer connection to one Archangel more than the others. For me, it is Metatron. As a result, he is almost always present in a reading, as a support to myself.
Then I will invite any Ascended masters, guides or angels that wish to work with you. I like this list of Ascended Masters because it is pretty extensive and includes the most familiar guides and some less well known ones. Often, a guide or angel that is very close to you will wish to make themselves known and I will do my best to interpret the name. It can be challenging as you can imagine if they are saying their name with an accent I am unfamiliar with.
Next, I will invite your higherself (HS) to come into the sacred circle created by these beings of love and light. Usually, there is a greeting of some sort, and your higher self has a seat.
Your higherself is that part of you that some refer to as Spirit. Or Unconscious Mind, or Higher Mind. For me it is the higher self. That part of you that records and recalls all aspects of your lifetimes, general themes, lessons, gifts, paths, missions and roles. It can see clearly connections and reasons for relationships both current and past. It knows the eternal potentials both before you and "behind" you. It is a bit different from the soul in that the soul is our perfect individuated expression of God. It is pure love in its nature and being. The higherself is what the soul uses to grow and expand. The higher self takes the life experiences and accumulates data for the soul to use in the knowing of itself. When we transition from this life into another, it is our higherself (spirit) that leaves the form. It is an eternal constant that keeps track of our deepest desires, and where we have been and where we are going... it is that which shows up as intuition, and deja'vu. When we knew someone was going to call or come by... we were 100% in tune with our higherselves.
Each of us can and DO connect with our higherselves on a regular basis... how regular is dependant on our conditioning, our fears and our paths. Many of us were taught NOT to trust ourselves, or God, or that life was scary and out to get us. So we doubt our hearts, we doubt what will bring us joy, we reject happiness for fear we dont deserve it or that it will be taken from us. We live in the past. We say well the last time.... I work with the higherself to see these situations clearly or the patterns around the beliefs and conditionings that can be released so that you can live with a greater sense of connection and peace.
For me it happens a lot like a conversation between friends. I type it out as it comes. It reads a lot like a transcript. It is a blessing for me to be able to sit in the presence of so many beautiful higherselves. There is often just a misunderstanding playing out in our lives now... no matter how painful it so often is... it is so often a call for love. In life there are only two things an all situations and actions and words and beliefs reflect these two options.... pure expressions of love, or calls for love... Pain in our life is always a call for love somewhere. And we are the only ones capable of both giving and receiving that love.
I look forward to helping as many as I can connect with their higher selves... so what do you have to lose... its free!
As a side note, I do not consider myself a medium or psychic, though I have acted in that modality previously it isnt as comfortable a role for me. However, there are occasions when the role of psychic is key to a person's healing... and we just go with that... but generally... I dont know the winning lottery numbers, or the weather a year from now... it doesnt seem really relavant to healing... unless in the odd occasion it is. :)
Sweet Soul! I love your blog!! Kudos for getting it started. HUGE Kudos for doing what you do from your Heart Center <3 You inspire me to pursue what makes MY heart sing. Thank you for your gifts, not only of insight and intuition but for the most precious gift of all- your FRIENDSHIP. We may not be able to share a spot of tea together in the same room, but the soulpod connection keeps our hearts forever on the same vibe~LOVE.
ReplyDeleteI am spreading the word on your blog. SO much of what you write resonates deep within. I look forward to many reads. Namaste <3
Thank you so much dear friend... you inspire me as well. Heart hugs <3
DeleteThis is beautiful........ xo love you.
ReplyDeleteLove you too angel... xo <3