Friday, 21 June 2013

Know thyself... Heal thyself

So often we start from the premise that we "know" who we are. My name is Jenn, I am a mother, I am a wife, I am a daughter, I like chocolate, I am a vegetarian, I am a healer, I have blonde-ish hair, it is very thin. I love to sing. We assume that our basic characteristics define us, we place ourselves in boxes as we are conditioned to believe that these things are unchanging, and therefore say to the world "who we really are".  But I challenge that... who we are conditioned to believe we really are is constantly changing. It is never the same from one moment to the next. Lets explore this a bit... Could it be our conditioning is actually what is found in the word... BE-LIE-f?

I havent always been a mother... this is only a recent phenomenon... Really recent in fact. Sure I had my son when I was 30 (11 years ago), but I dont actually think I embraced the role of mother until about 6 years ago... before then I cared for him (he never went hungry or naked or without hugs and kisses and bedtime stories), but I was so unsure of who I was in relationship TO him, that I looked for every kind of distraction possible to run from the fear of being found out I didnt have a clue what I was doing! I have come now finally to accept the fact that parenting by definition comes with some insecurity, as we are changing in every moment so are our kids... just because they loved Teletubbies when they were 2 does NOT mean they will appreciate the purple dino's song when they are 10 and you are picking them up from school. Can you imagine the horror? But we are conditioned to believe that things stay the same, that we should stay the same that our relationships should stay the same, so we seek to make them our friends so that we feel close to them, we seek to never ever upset them because we are conditioned again to believe that there is no security in love, and that relationships are fragile and temporary. We hold back our truth, even if we know it is the only way to sanity, because we are afraid our children will stop loving us. We feel that maybe we were maladjusted because of our parents behavior, so we try to do better, we read every parenting book and join every website with the best and latest advice, and we push away our truths... It is what it is until it isnt.

I have always been someone's daughter, but what has that meant? Was it my responsibility to look after their emotional needs, was I here to make THEM happy? What could I possibly do to earn their approval and love? Was being smart the best way? Or perfectly behaved? What about marrying the "right" person or choosing the "right" career? Did they love my brother more than me? What did it mean if they didnt love me, or approve of me, or appreciate me? Who was I in this dynamic? What did it say about ME? Was I generally unworthy if I didnt have my emotional needs met in the way *I* needed them to be met? Were the presents and gifts attempts to quantify their love for me? Was their attempt to be my friend or foe, an attempt to try and manipulate me into again being who they thought I should be? Was their love for me so fragile?  I know it sounds ridiculous on paper, but is it really? We relate to the world through our interpretation of God/Source/Creator. Our first real experience of this was in infancy when we were totally dependant on another for our survival. If all of our needs were met and we felt secure we knew that the world was a safe and loving place to be, if not, well, it could be down right frightening. Now as we grew, we may have had experiences that challenged those primary beliefs, and thus our understanding of our world and who we were in relation to it changed as well. We may have done something like leave a religion that traditionally our family held on to, and in their disappointment pushed us away. Or married someone they didnt approve of, or a myriad of other things... We may not have understood that their pushing away was a reflection of THEIR insecurities...

I could go on... how we change our desires and beliefs a million times throughout our life, but yet we have a sense that there is something fundamentally central and core to our being... something that indeed stretches beyond all relationships, all jobs, all roles, all beliefs and feelings... there is something an essence or what I will call soul... that resides somewhere in us and at the same time in GOD, or source creator. Something that is as unchanging as love itself. To be clear our experience of love changes, but the love the energy and essence of love is love.

When we understand that who we really are is love, and is loved, our paradigm begins to shift. We see that we are the creators of our experience SO THAT we can know what it is to change and grow. We can see all the relationships in our lives reflecting our own selves... silently whispering lessons that we long to learn, heal experiences that we have misunderstood. No relationship no matter how brief is insignificant. The lady with the crying kid in front of you in the grocery store, is an opportunity for us to give love, or reflect on the crying baby within us all, questioning what need are we seeking to have fulfilled in this moment, are we somewhere in our life crying out to be heard. Is there a truth we want to speak but are afraid of standing in our power. Are we afraid that those around us may not recognize us and therefore not like us if we speak or live our truth? But here is the thing... when we refuse to live OUR truth, we are saying to everyone around us that they do not have permission to live THEIR truth. WOW!!! Lets look at that... when we look to our hearts and reflect on what our soul truth is (in love) and then we refuse to live it out of fear, we say to our children, "dont follow your dreams because it may hurt someone", "Be what is ok  and safe in the world, if you have a passion, keep it to yourself." "Dont rock the boat." You see the way we support and offer love to ourselves is the only thing we can offer others. We may say the right words, but people respond and feel our truth in our actions.

As we allow ourselves the gifts of honesty, we allow others to be honest with themselves too. Yes there may be some hurt feelings, but like I have observed in some relationships would I prefer to have relationships built on conditioned response and white lies that can be controlling or manipulative or would I prefer relationships based in transparency? I know what I prefer, but there are those who would prefer the superficial stuff because the real raw connection is scary... I can understand that, but it makes healing oneself... nigh on impossible. Because ALL illness is created from this disconnection with soulself... and that connection can only be made in clear heart wide open transparency.

What if we were more than a collection of learned patterns and beliefs? What if who we are extended beyond this lifetime or any lifetime? What if who we are was infinite and ever changing? What if who were are is known only in the unknowing, only in the constant questioning and redefinition? What if the limitations we experience or place upon ourselves werent even necessarily from this lifetime? What if in shining a light on all that we are, even the bits we dont like, we were free to BE well and whole. After all by definition we can not be "WHOLE" and cut off bits we think others wont like. It is only in embracing the shadow, shining a light on our fears and conditioned limiting beliefs about ourselves that we can heal ourselves. We are so much more than we have imagined ourselves to be... who are we to play small or expect another to?

It is as we accept and allow ALL that we are and ever have been and yet will be, that we heal ourselves, we return to the wholeness and innocence that we are. And as we heal ourselves we allow those around us to heal as well... so in essence when we heal ourselves we heal the world.

We are each moving from the darkness of thousands of years of limiting beliefs into the light of change... into the light of knowing we can not ever fix our knowing in one place in time or space, for everything is in constant flow... and all we are asked to do is let go...  Come on in the water's fine!!! And away we float on the waves of love... and light...


Friday, 14 June 2013

The Divine Feminine... a new look at an eternal concept....

"Feminism" is a loaded word. It is bound to get a reaction. It is divisive and yet it seeks to unite. But what is it really about? Equality? Respect? Honor? "Anything you can do I can do better?" The meaning is relative to the person who is using it, I think that, at least, is something we can all agree on. Maybe?

So maybe it is time to look at creating a definition that works for ALL women. Maybe it is time to go back to the beginning, and revisit HIS-story. Maybe we only go forward in our divine paths, by seeing where we have come from.

I anticipate that this is going to be a series of blogs on my ideas about Divine Femininity. I am quite nervous about broaching the subject, as though it is something I am quite passionate about, I have a feeling it may bring up emotions. So finding the nearest place to duck! There is so much to be said and it is important for me to express that these are my personal understanding and may not resonate with many people and that is ok. There are many paths to Truth, and we must all create and discover our own.

The reason I have felt moved to write about this stems from a lot of the healings I have done recently. I have noticed two things... Firstly, over 90% of my clients are women, and secondly, the majority of those women are being guided to remember the path of the divine feminine... I will say that the men I have had the honor of working with are in TOTAL support and alignment with the re-establishment of the Divine Feminine. We will talk more about that later...

So when I am talking about the Divine Feminine, let me be clear about what I am NOT talking about. I am NOT talking about being equal in ALL ways to a man; in a man's world... quite frankly, I have never had the desire to relieve myself whilst standing, as convenient as it may be at times, not bothered. And let's be honest, what chance is there EVER of being absolutely "equal" in a patriarchal societal setup, (and the same could be said for a matriarchal set up... which is what has brought us to this point). Nor am I talking about women being tough or strong or bullying or domineering or bitchy or manipulative or controlling or weak or feeble or victims. NOR is the Divine Feminine defined by sex or sexual orientation. When I speak of the Divine Feminine (and from here on "women") I am referring to our heart/soul experience of the world.

A NEW WORLD... one in which BOTH the Feminine, and the Masculine are honored equally as they walk together supporting the other, no longer in competition with or fear of the other... seeing each as compliment and mirror to the other... in harmony and balance. The vessel of creation working with and supported by the flow of creative energy... in dynamic bliss.

What I am talking about and will explore further, is women stepping into and claiming emotional freedom. Physical freedom, personal freedom, being able to express themselves in the way that resonates with their soul. And this includes the masculinized feminine as well, if that is who one truly is.  Now as nice as that sounds it requires an EXTREME departure from the norms established by and excepted by Western culture (women included)... this has now of course spread around the world and we can clearly see its negative effects.

Where there is lack of freedom, there is insecurity, there is neediness, there is dependency, there is lack there is victimhood. Where there is victimhood, there is the bully and the resucer. Now most will argue that women, thanks to the feminist movement, HAVE equal rights and are essentially able to have it ALL. And it is important to recognize that the Feminist movement is completely to thank, honor and recognize for getting us THIS far in a MAN's WORLD. But I think if we look at that closer we can see that this isnt necessarily the case that all things are equal. Sure there are women that are powerful business leaders, sports players, politicians, etc etc etc... but are they really free to be and embrace themselves. In my opinion, there is always a price to pay. Quite literally too. (but I digress).

Women that find themselves in positions that the world views as "equal" to the professional male, for example, have been conditioned to believe that there are only really one of two choices, to become like a man to survive, in the sense of being tough, thick skinned, controlling or well... what we generally associate with male success... taking no prisoners... OR using their feminine gifts or ways to get ahead. Now obviously there a million exceptions to the rule, but the lie that as women we have been fed is that women can have it all AND be genuinely happy AND have all those around her happy as well. Someone somewhere loses out when we try to be what we arent in a man's world.

 It is in the papers and on the news every single day... "Children do better in  when mother stays home."   "Research shows that kids of working moms fare just as well", "Most families need two incomes to survive" "Families with single parent income have higher rates of behavioral issues", "Single mothers make better managers" and the list goes on and on and on... then there are the looks from other women, the mumsnet, the blogs, the advice sites... and it is disturbing that we as women have turned against each other out of fear and misunderstanding. We have forgotten that it takes a village to raise not only a child but healthy compassionate, forgiving and honest adults, that see the world through the eyes of everyone is doing his/her best. We have created and supported and fed a culture of competition, where the strongest survive and the weakest... sod off. But what if... what if our strength is not found in our power to hurt, but our power to heal.

Who would we be if we loved all? Who would our children be if they were taught to love honor and accept all, AND at the same time push and encourage each other to live within their own strengths and talents. I am not talking about this watered down version of mediocrity that has crept into the the institutions, but allowing our children and ourselves to really embrace their talents and support that!! We live in a different world than the post modern industrialist did when they created our current educaiton system. There are kids now that know more about programming, health inventionsphilosophy, there are children that are interested in and passionate about things that traditionally adults have told them were fairy tales or hogwash... but now, they are compelled to make a difference. We should be following their lead. We should be finding a way to support their callings and passions as we strike out to support their own.

What I am suggesting is a radical departure from the last few thousand years of conditioning, but I feel the time is now. Not only are women tired of the way things have been, and all of the pressures to achieve... but the men are exhausted as well, it is hard to live each day at war, in conflict, constantly believing the world is in need of salvation, that there is constant threat at every turn. Wouldnt it be nice to BE at peace? Wouldnt it be nice to look to another and see your brother and know that all was well...

The return to the Divine Feminine takes far more courage than running a country or company. It requires taking a stand for peace, for love, for all children everywhere to be honored, loved and cherished, for seeing the world as ours not mine. The return to the Divine Feminine seeks to make peace first with ourselves and then all that is around us. We are in the world as peace makers. We are the ones that teach our children to love one another or fear the other.

As women we have been conditioned in recent centuries to suspect, resent, compete, belittle, bully or possess. And oft times it is our fellow sisters we turn against. We have had cause. When we are dependant on the man for our survival and that of our childrens we have no choice. But what if we gathered around each other in communion, cooperation and created support for and with one another... what if we looked at our sisters as companions for this journey. What if we returned to the paths of the ancient priestessses, but with new eyes, new understandings and love. Just how different could our world be if we showed up in all of our strength, our divine power? What if we dropped the need to be masculinized women, and just be what we always have been... What would the world look like if we stopped trying to be equal and insisted on being our true selves, honoring our true nature. And that is NOT in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant... or subject or possessed or submitted to men, but walking our paths beside them.. shining our OWN light, gathering our own armies of angels giving love and support to each other, reminding our sisters of their divine heritage and they dont need to manipulate, control or bully anyone to have what they want... and desire. There has always been more than enough to go around. When all children are loved, cherished and honored for the blessings they are...

There are so many implications in the idea of returning to the Divine Feminine. And we will visit those more in depth later.

But for now, what would the world, your world look like, if you were free to live from your heart? If you knew all was well and that there was nothing to fear, and you felt loved and supported in all that you did... how different would everything be?

And the Divine Masculine is not forgotten, for the only REAL way to honor a man's divinity is through honoring our own first. And to be clear, the divine Feminine is not limited to being Female. This is a process of redefining ALL labels that have been assigned in the last few thousand years. The Divine Feminine as well as the Divine Masculine breaks down ALL barriers and limitations.

In Lak'ech,

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

A Message from the Angels...

My beloved husband has been asking me to open up to offering a channelling from the angels or ascended masters. I of course have been dragging my feet. I suppose that it is my own insecurities, though I have done channellings 1000 times (as essentially that is how the healings and past life readings work)... at least, for me it is as natural as breathing, but it is putting it out there for the whole world to either embrace or reject. I know it isnt personal but there is a feeling of vulnerability. Embracing the vulnerability as I encourage all others to do, I must expect no less from myself! So here goes...

Greetings, beloveds of heart and soul. Today, I Chamuel, would like to share a message. One of hope, peace, love and honor. Honoring of love, unity and the divinity that each of you inherently carries within. By no fault of your own you have been conditioned into believing that you are less than divine. That you are bound by the limitations and fears that have been taught to you over the last couple thousand years. We say unto you, THIS is not your true nature. You are unlimited beings of love, light, creative genius and power.

When you look around and you observe chaos and fear provoking situations... we say unto you... look past that. Look beyond what is being presented. We promise you the truth that love is EVERYWHERE, it is becoming harder and harder to hide from those willing to see. And YES there are many who are trying to keep the truth from you so that you may continue to live in fear. You see when you are afraid, anyone can have power over you. When you are living from the paradigm that you are love and that you are eternal and that all is well... what is there to fear? You can only "lose" what you have never really believed you have had. When you understand that you are everything and everything is you, what is there to lose? It is an impossibility.

Experiences may come and go, but love remains. Everyone is experiencing transition in their lives right now in one form or another... It is the way of growth that in order to be open to receiving one thing we must let go of another. There is what one would describe as a sense of loss, but on another level it is more a case of we have integrated that experience into our being and we are moving from that experience as a platform. The loss of a loved one, a job, a dream, an opportunity, is equally an opening for greater depth of love, pursuing of a passion, dreaming a bigger even better dream, an unimagined possibility showing up as a seeming miracle.

ALL of life seeks to support you, push you, celebrate you, encourage you. ALL of life seeks to draw you back to your original understanding of self. You are an ever expanding expression of God/Source/Creator's experience of itself. You did not come here to play little. You have had lifetimes of experience to prepare you for this moment. No amount of pretending to be small will subdue the urge to shine the light that you are.

You may find yourself asking, "But who am I?" and we say, "You our beloved... who ARENT you?" Not one soul on the earth at this time is anything less than amazing. Every soul is offering an opportunity for love, growth and expansion. There are those witholding their light so that others learn the full capacity of their light. There are those that act in cries for love, so that others may act with boldness in unconditioned love. There are those who act from a place of sleep so that others may awaken. Take not for granted the value and worth of any man. We are living in a time where the truth is coming forth so rapidly.

It is time for ALL men women and children to wake to the truth of their divine nature and live from that. When women remember their divinity, their sacredness, power and the blessing that they are, how will they treat themselves and from that others? When men recall their divine nature, the holiness that flows through them, would they then need others to follow them in order to feel worthy? And our precious children, when they are recognized for the unique individuations of spirit that they are, would we need for them to conform and fit in so that we as adults feel more comfortable? Would you as parents need for them to be your friends so that you felt secure, or would they be free?

If the love you give comes with limits, expectations or conditions, then my beloveds it can not be called love. Love can never abide where fear resides. The time has come to release your fears, and love just because it is what you are, know that you can never truly be alone, and that all can only ever be well.

Things are changing so rapidly that in the coming months and years you will look back on today and not recognize it as anything other than a dream. You are living the echo of your dreams. You are in a state of shaking the sleep from your minds and looking around at the beautiful reality you are creating. One in which you are the powerful creators, operating from love, freedom, joy and ease... where all beings are celebrated for all they have to give... and all is given as a blessing for the purpose of blessing. There is only abundance and peace. You want for all others that their deepest heartfelt desires be fulfilled as you know the universe is ever able to give to all endlessly...

Be blessed my beloveds, walk in the sacred knowledge that you are loved. Feel our wings around you and rest in the knowing that it is already done. You have already "Made it". Your dreams have already come true and are waiting for you to catch up to them. It is here... even if it doesnt feel like it this minute... if you could see yourselves from our position you would be weeping for joy as we are for you. You are forever wrapped in the arms of love.

And so it is and shall ever be.... say I Archangel Chamuel... in love light and eternal bliss....

Friday, 7 June 2013

How it works for me....

I thought it might be a good idea to explain how a reading or clearing works for me. I am aware that the process for all healers is as individual as the healer themselves. Some healers work with crystals, pendulums, reiki, angels, spiritual response... the list is endless and perfect for I feel there is a healer out there for everyone; and IN everyone.

The basic procedure for me is that after I receive a request for healing or a reading, I go into a protective meditative state. I call on the Archangels most aligned with the person's energy or rather those Archangels present themselves to me, or make their presence known.

Many people are aware of the better known  Archangels in the Judeo-Christian tradition; Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Metatron. But there are more. Here is a link to some of the Archangels that are more commonly known to me in my work. Each person has a closer connection to one Archangel more than the others. For me, it is Metatron. As a result, he is almost always present in a reading, as a support to myself.

Then I will invite any Ascended masters, guides or angels that wish to work with you. I like this list of Ascended Masters because it is pretty extensive and includes the most familiar guides and some less well known ones. Often, a guide or angel that is very close to you will wish to make themselves known and I will do my best to interpret the name. It can be challenging as you can imagine if they are saying their name with an accent I am unfamiliar with.

Next, I will invite your higherself (HS) to come into the sacred circle created by these beings of love and light. Usually, there is a greeting of some sort, and your higher self has a seat.

Your higherself is that part of you that some refer to as Spirit. Or Unconscious Mind, or Higher Mind. For me it is the higher self. That part of you that records and recalls all aspects of your lifetimes, general themes, lessons, gifts, paths, missions and roles. It can see clearly connections and reasons for relationships both current and past. It knows the eternal potentials both before you and "behind" you. It is a bit different from the soul in that the soul is our perfect individuated expression of God. It is pure love in its nature and being. The higherself is what the soul uses to grow and expand. The higher self takes the life experiences and accumulates data for the soul to use in the knowing of itself. When we transition from this life into another, it is our higherself (spirit) that leaves the form. It is an eternal constant that keeps track of our deepest desires, and where we have been and where we are going... it is that which shows up as intuition, and deja'vu. When we knew someone was going to call or come by... we were 100% in tune with our higherselves.

Each of us can and DO connect with our higherselves on a regular basis... how regular is dependant on our conditioning, our fears and our paths. Many of us were taught NOT to trust ourselves, or God, or that life was scary and out to get us. So we doubt our hearts, we doubt what will bring us joy, we reject happiness for fear we dont deserve it or that it will be taken from us. We live in the past. We say well the last time....  I work with the higherself to see these situations clearly or the patterns around the beliefs and conditionings that can be released so that you can live with a greater sense of connection and peace.

For me it happens a lot like a conversation between friends. I type it out as it comes. It reads a lot like a transcript. It is a blessing for me to be able to sit in the presence of so many beautiful higherselves. There is often just a misunderstanding playing out in our lives now... no matter how painful it so often is... it is so often a call for love. In life there are only two things an all situations and actions and words and beliefs reflect these two options.... pure expressions of love, or calls for love... Pain in our life is always a call for love somewhere.  And we are the only ones capable of both giving and receiving that love.

I look forward to helping as many as I can connect with their higher selves... so what do you have to lose... its free!

As a side note, I do not consider myself a medium or psychic, though I have acted in that modality previously it isnt as comfortable a role for me. However, there are occasions when the role of psychic is key to a person's healing... and we just go with that... but generally... I dont know the winning lottery numbers, or the weather a year from now... it doesnt seem really relavant to healing... unless in the odd occasion it is.  :)

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Free Readings/Healings... Really??? Yes... really...

Someone asked me a question the other day, "Do you REALLY give FREE readings?" Of course I responded that this is in fact the case... no strings, no hidden charges, or books to sell... it is what it says on the tin (that is a lovely little British expression).

So, why? Well... the short version is because it is what I LOVE to do. But there is, as often is the case, a bit more to the story.

A few years ago, after moving to the UK with my beloved, we set up a website for healing and we had set charges for our work. At the time, we believed that everyone needed to have the sense of balance when receiving healings. But, we struggled with it energetically, it just didnt feel like it was what we were being drawn to. So we let it go. Eventually, we understood why. The whole hindsight is 20/20 thing. We were led to travel for the next few years... we learned so much about humanity, suffering, love, healing, unconditional acceptance, non-judgment and humility. In our hearts we knew that we would be drawn back to the healing service, but knew as well that it would look a lot different. In the meantime, life was life-ing....

As we healed our own blocks and fears regarding life in all of its varied colors and experiences, we saw that there are so many at this time, as things are shifting and chaotic... that are seeking peace, connection, healing, direction, and clarity. We have a gift that has been such a huge blessing in our family's life and it feels inappropriate to keep it hidden or only share with those that we know...

I am using the term "we" including my husband, for although I do the "work"... the readings, channellings, guiding, healings... he is a force of light and love that hold the space for me to do all of this. He has always been my greatest cheerleader and the one who throughout the years has encouraged me to share all that I do with the world... so for me in all things it is "we"... and even in terms of the healings themselves... it isnt "me", it is what I would call a universal love, a connection to source. I feel like a radio tuner... tuning into the channel and broadcasting it.

I believe that each of us is psychic, or spiritually gifted in many ways, in varied ways. And that we do have a responsibility to each other to share what we can, for the betterment and upliftment of the all. In other words I dont believe that I am "more" special than anyone else, but I should like to think where my gift is found in bringing to the surface that which is special in each of us... bringing forth gifts and talents into the light so that we as a universal collective ALL benefit.

In my travels and experiences, I have found that so often those that need the most help and could benefit the most from spiritual healings or clearings, may find themselves in financially difficult situations... stemming from the blocks or spiritual issues occuring! And they are so desperate, but find that healings and clearings are not financially accessible for them. Spirit has guided me to make myself available for all... and if they feel guided to donate, then blessed be the all. But if not, then their gratitude or healing is blessing as well.

This work is one of passion, love and joy... I am blessed just in the process of connecting... it isnt a job. I take it far more sacred than I ever could something I was dependant on for my survival. But we live in very fortunate and supportive circumstances.

There are so many brilliant healers, shamans, gifted psychics, mediums, spiritual life coaches etc out there that DO charge, and THEY are acting on their guidance. Which is without a doubt perfect. My experience has led me to where I am and I rejoice and accept it as that. I wouldnt hesitate to recommend someone that charges. I dont feel it is a statement of worth or a reflection of the time or effort or any of that... for me it is a calling, and in honoring my highest self, I offer of myself, knowing, trusting that it is the will of God. And all is well... and shall be well. As we give of ourselves so we are given, and the universe has given given and given... I feel so blessed that I compelled to share abundantly.

So I give these healings and readings, from a place of having been given so very much and in gratitude for all that is coming as well... the opportunity to bless and be blessed. I also have been guided that when I do receive donations to bless them for the multiplication and blessing of those that give, that in THEIR giving they too are blessed proportionally. So everyone wins... I love the infinite abundance of the universe!!!

So... that was the long answer... yes I do free readings and healings! hehehe

Blessings of light and love...