Thursday, 30 May 2013

The Divine Within?

I think it is safe to say that for the most part western society has been conditioned to believe that we as humans are nothing in and of ourselves. From the time we take our first breath we are conditioned to believe that a) we are dependant on another for our life and b) those on whom we are dependant can at anytime and for whatever reason withdraw their love and support. We are taught that life is scary, and we are helpless victims, without either control OR responsibility.

It isnt anyone's "fault" per se, those that taught us, themselves were products of the conditioning. And they sent us to the same schools to learn the same lessons in obedience to authority that they had learned. They taught us about a God that was punitive, needy and fickle. A God whose love was only given in response to obedience and the rules were ever changing. It was an insecure love at best. We were conditioned to believe that we were born flawed and in need of rescuing. We were conditioned to believe that we could only go so far or achieve so much, and that our dreams were limited by our abilities or someone else's will for us. We were made to believe that we are victims of our body's ailments and conditions (or that they were our curses or crosses to bear), and that we need "professionals" and "chemicals" to "treat" us... notice I didnt say cure or heal.

What if all of that was a misunderstanding? What IF we are conscious creators of our reality? What if what we are experiencing right this very moment is ultimately for our highest wonder, our highest good and growth... or even greatness. What if everything that has gone before, no matter how challenging or traumatic was brought to us BY US, so that we may remember the reality of who we really are? Would it change our experience?

What if we came into this experience with our hearts wide open? In innocence we loved, because it is what we are. We offered our hearts, open to the world. We dreamed. We remembered our connection to the all. Everything was magical. We saw with pure vision, maybe even talking to "imaginary" friends. In fact, everything was our friend... the bird, the butterfly, the stranger, the baby laughing in the mirror, the leaves that waved at us all day from the trees.

Where we had come from we knew only connection to the divine THROUGH the divine. Fear does not exist where love abides, and we came from love. Pure unconditioned love, and that is what we came to offer. Little did we understand the fear upon this planet, and that those we would be coming to had long forgotten their connection and were now living in separation. Fear separates, love connects. When they held us in their arms they were filled with the memory of the pure unconditional love they once experienced, but then the fear of loss rushed in.

The cycle of victim, bully, rescuer (with life often being cast the role of bullier) was taught to us. And we learned our roles well. We reacted to the sense of separation with crying, as it was a new situation, unfamiliar to us, and we were approached in fear. A new mother is a very terrified being, may we bless the mother who was doing her very best to love the way she had been conditioned to understand love to be.

Maya Angelou once said, "When you know better you do better." Well, it is time we reflect on our true understanding of love. It is time we KNOW ourselves. When we know ourselves as love we act as love. We no longer have the need to look outside ourselves for saviours, leaders, healers, guides or gurus.

We came to this earth perfectly endowed as individuations of the creator/God/Source experiencing itself as itself. Your hand is an extension of this thing called "you" and is no less an expression or part of you than your toe. Your toe's experience of the world is far different than your hand, but no less sacred, real or valuable. Do you consider your toe less of you than your hand? No... and so it is with all of creation. You are no less divine than a star, or one who came as an avatar to remind us of
that truth.

May we all remove our blinders, our blocks and our conditionings so as to remember each other and ourselves in our full light and glory.

When we drop our victim/blame conditioning we are free. We can create our reality and experience any way we choose. We begin to see there are no enemies, only eternal extensions of our chosen experience. Blessings to help us grow and remember the divinity we have mistakenly sought outside of us... pointing us within. Pointing us to what we have forgotten... "The Kingdom of Heaven is within."

In Lak'ech,


  1. This is beautiful.......lots of love to you, Jen.

    1. Thank you so much... lots of love to you sweet friend. <3
